Scholarships for the MAGIC Summer Camps are available thanks to the Bosch Community Fund. The Fund focuses on the enrichment of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education and advancing environmental sustainability initiatives. We partner with 501(c)(3) organizations and educational institutions across the country to provide quality project-based learning hands-on learning opportunities for students and professional development for teachers.

The City of Miami is fully committed to building the tech talent pipeline with our residents. Scholarships for the MAGIC Summer Camps are also available for eligible high school students, who reside within the City of Miami, to waive registration fees on a first come first service basis.

For more information and how to apply click here.
Pre-requisites and Camp Information: Basic computer skills. Check-in: from 8:30-9:00AM. Get acquainted with equipment, meet and greet. From 3:00-4:30PM students can stay on premises and work on labs while waiting for pick-up. Drop-off and Pick-up: 315 NE 2nd Avenue, Building 8, Lobby – Wolfson Campus.
Scholarship Selection Criteria:
- 3.0 GPA or higher, good attendance & good attitude
- Teacher recommendation letter
- Deadline for submission: May 27th, 2022
- City of Miami Resident
Additional Information: For more information about our summer camps and to enroll please contact Lillybeth Guilfucci: 305-237-3598 / | Oscar Pedroso: 305-237-3031 /
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