Miggy’s Gift is a non-profit organization 501 (c) (3) committed to the awareness and education of Melanoma skin cancer. At Miggy’s Gift, we bring hope, encouragement, and bravery to pediatric cancer patients and their families. Helping children is at the forefront of what we do through our Mighty Miggy Project, Education and Awareness Program, and College School Grants. Learn more about the impact we have and join us in bringing a smile and positive change to others by visiting miggysgift.org

Marilu Chavez with scholarship recipients Nicole Garcia, Cody Perdue; and Herman Chavez at MAGIC.
Stephen’s passion for the Video Game industry is the inspiration behind this initiative. An annual grant will be donated to a student from Miami Dade College (Magic) Miami Animation Gaming International Complex. The applicant must be a full-time student in the video game program, have a 3.0 GPA, qualify for financial aid, and write a 100-word essay on anti-cheating in video games. The grant has been named the Stephen “Miggy” Chavez scholarship grant.
The recipients of the 2021/22 Stephen “Miggy” Chavez Scholarship grant are Nicole Garcia, Katelyn Victoria Dixon and Cody Scott Perdue.

Gladys Piedra, scholarship recipient Nicole Garcia, Marilu Chavez and Herman Chavez at the Miami Animation & Gaming International Complex.
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